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Guide to Using the Curl Command

Published: at 02:00 AM


Curl is a versatile and powerful command line tool for transferring data to or from a server using various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. This guide covers the basic usage of curl, including GET, POST, PUT requests, setting HTTP headers, handling files, and using proxies, with detailed descriptions for each command.


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Basic Usage

GET Requests

To perform a simple GET request, which is the most common way to retrieve data from a server, use the following command:


This command fetches the content of the specified URL and displays it in the terminal.

For enabling compression, which can reduce the amount of data transferred over the network, use:

curl --compressed

This tells curl to request a compressed response (using algorithms like gzip) if the server supports it.

POST Requests

POST requests are used to send data to a server, often for submitting form data or uploading a file. To send simple POST data:

curl -d name=x

Here, -d name=x sends the data name=x to the server at

For multiple parameters, you can either use multiple -d flags:

curl -d name=x -d surname=y

or combine them in one string:

curl -d 'name=x&surname=y'

Both methods send the parameters name and surname in the POST request.

To send raw data without special interpretation of the @ character:

curl --data-raw "@at"

This treats the @ symbol as a regular character rather than indicating a file to upload.

To send URL-encoded data, which ensures that special characters are properly escaped:

curl --data-urlencode name=val

This is useful for sending data that includes characters like spaces or symbols.

For sending binary data, such as a file:

curl --data-binary @filename

This sends the content of filename as binary data in the POST request.

To send JSON data, commonly used in APIs:

curl --json '{"foo": "bar"}'

This sends the JSON object {"foo": "bar"} with the correct Content-Type: application/json header.

For chunked encoding, which is useful for streaming data:

curl -H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" -d @file

This sends the content of file in chunks, suitable for large or dynamically generated data.

To send the output of a command in a POST request:

uname -a | curl -XPOST -d @-

This pipes the output of the uname -a command into the POST request.

HEAD Requests

To perform a HEAD request, which retrieves headers only without the body:

curl -I

This is useful for checking metadata like the last modified date or content type without downloading the entire resource.

PUT Requests

PUT requests are used to upload data to a server at a specified URL. To upload a file using PUT:

curl -T localfile

This uploads localfile to

Saving Output to a File

To write the output to a file instead of displaying it in the terminal:

curl -o file.html

This saves the content of the URL to file.html.

To save the output using the remote file name:

curl -O

This saves the content to a file named file.html, as specified in the URL.

To avoid overwriting existing files:

curl --no-clobber -o file.png

This only saves the file if file.png does not already exist.

Additional Options

To skip TLS certificate validation, useful for self-signed certificates:

curl -k

This disables certificate verification, making it easier to test secure connections.

For silent output, which suppresses progress and error messages:

curl -s

This is useful for scripts where you only need the output content.

To fail fast with no output on server errors:

curl -f

This ensures that curl exits immediately on server errors without producing output.

To handle sequences of /../ and /./ in the URL as-is:

curl --path-as-is

This prevents curl from normalizing the URL path, useful for testing or accessing specific resources.

Using Proxies

To connect via a proxy server, which can be useful for testing or bypassing network restrictions:

curl -x

This routes the request through the proxy at

For a Socks 4a proxy:

curl --socks4a hostname:1080

This routes the request through a Socks 4a proxy at hostname:1080.

For a Socks5 proxy:

curl --socks5 proxy.example:1080

This routes the request through a Socks5 proxy at proxy.example:1080.

To set a username and password for proxy authentication:

curl --proxy-user username:pass -x

This uses username and pass for authenticating with the proxy.

Setting HTTP Headers

To set a cookie value, which can be necessary for maintaining sessions:

curl -b cookie=value

This sends cookie=value with the request.

To set a referer, which indicates the previous page the request came from:

curl -e "https://test.example"

This sets the Referer header to https://test.example.

To set a custom User-Agent, useful for mimicking different browsers or clients:

curl -A "New User Agent"

This sets the User-Agent header to New User Agent.

or using -H option:

curl -H "User-Agent: Hello"

To set a custom header:

curl -H 'X-Custom-Header: HeaderValue'

These commands set custom headers, such as User-Agent or X-Custom-Header.

To set the Content-Type header, often required when sending JSON or form data:

curl -d '{}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

This sets the Content-Type to application/json.

Sending Files


To send a file as a form:

curl -F "file=@/path/to/file"

This uploads file as a form field.

To send file content as a form field:

curl -F "x=`cat /path/to/file`"

This includes the content of the file in the form field x.

To pipe file content directly into curl:

cat /path/to/file | curl -F ":data=@-"

This sends the file content via a pipe to curl.

To upload a file:

curl -T /path/to/file

This uploads the file to the specified URL.

To send a file in the POST body:

curl -XPOST -d @/path/to/file

This sends the file content as the POST request body.

To send binary data in the POST body:

curl --data-binary

This sends binary data directly.


To send a file via FTP:

curl -T /path/to/file ftp://server -u user:password

This uploads file to the FTP server with the provided username and password.


This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the essential curl commands and options, helping you efficiently transfer data using the curl command line tool. For more detailed information, consult the curl documentation.